

Jeff Winter

Jeff Winter is a Smart Manufacturing Advisor with CESMII. With almost 20 years of experience working for industrial automation product and solution providers, Jeff has a unique ability to simplify and communicate complex concepts to a wide range of audiences, educating and inspiring people from the shop floor up to the executive board room. As part of his experience, Jeff is also very active in the community of Industry 4.0. He currently is a part of the International Board of Directors for MESA (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association)and ISA (International Society of Automation), a U.S. registered expert for IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) as a member of TC 65.

Jillian Kupchella

Jillian Kupchella serves as the Director of Marketing at CESMII – The Smart Manufacturing Institute. Throughout her career, she has supported marketing organizations within the industrial automation and manufacturing sectors. 

In her current role, Jillian is responsible for overseeing marketing initiatives that promote CESMII's mission to advance smart manufacturing adoption across the United States. She plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborations with industry leaders.