Smart Manufacturing Mindset™

Think Differently about AI in Manufacturing

CESMII - The Smart Manufacturing Institute Season 1 Episode 4

Join us as we explore a new way of thinking about AI, looking to harness its full potential and unlock unprecedented opportunities for manufacturers. We’ll explore how to optimize production processes, enhance quality, streamline supply chains, and drive overall operational excellence. Furthermore, we’ll examine the possibilities of human-AI collaboration, emphasizing AI as a collaborative partner to leverage its capabilities to augment human decision-making, enhance productivity, and foster innovation.

Whether you are a seasoned manufacturing professional or an AI enthusiast, this event offers an opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of manufacturing. Discover how the convergence of AI and manufacturing can enable companies to stay competitive, adapt to evolving market demands, and achieve sustainable growth.

Don't miss out on this thought-provoking podcast that challenges conventional thinking and opens new avenues for AI in manufacturing. Join us and be at the forefront of this paradigm shift!

Panelists Include: 
🎙️ Maria Carolina Araujo, PMP, Director, Advanced Technology Strategy & Transformation, Johnson & Johnson
🎙️ Brian Evergreen, Founder & CEO, The Profitable Good Company
🎙️ Sanjeev Heda, Principal Industry Consultant, IoT Division, SAS
🎙️ Mike Yost, Host

© 2025 CESMII - The Smart Manufacturing Institute, A Program in UCLA, 520 Portola Plaza, MS 5308 – Box 95155, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1557, USA, (888) 720-8096

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