Smart Manufacturing Mindset™

Smart Manufacturing Mindset™ | Bridging OT & IT in College Industrial Labs

CESMII - The Smart Manufacturing Institute Season 1 Episode 16

Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 are driving the digital transformation of industrial processes. This digital transformation enables enhanced productivity, real-time data and analytics, flexibility and customization, optimized supply networks, energy efficiency and sustainability, and improved workforce development. Barriers to the realization of these goals include the legacy of lacking integration of automation operational technology (OT) and enterprise information technology (IT).
Academic organizations have a key role to play in realizing the SM vision. Not only in the research and development of technology but also in the education of the workforce in digital technologies and techniques for manufacturing. However, academic organizations are experiencing similar challenges for integrating OT and IT networks and systems that have traditionally been managed and operated separately.
In this podcast, we explore how academic organizations have tackled these challenges to teach SM skills and what similar organizations and manufacturers can learn from their experience.

© 2025 CESMII - The Smart Manufacturing Institute, A Program in UCLA, 520 Portola Plaza, MS 5308 – Box 95155, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1557, USA, (888) 720-8096

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